February 2013 - n°4
Faurecia, Supélec and ESIGELEC create a Teaching and Research Chair in the field of "Automotive Mechatronics"
Faurecia, the 6th biggest automotive parts manufacturer in the world, Supélec and ESIGELEC have just signed a five-year partnership agreement to create a Chair in the field of automotive mechatronics. This Chair, a tool for research, teaching and knowledge dissemination, aims to be a centre of expertise, training engineers and researchers in designing solutions for automotive electronics.
ESIGELEC-IRSEEM hosted the Rencontres Normandes de l'Electromobilité on 23 and 24 January 2013, an event attended by the partners of the ENEVATE and BATTERIE projects, as well as some forty regional businesses.
ESIGELEC won a silver medal upon taking part in the NI Days for the second time, a great reward for the team tutored by Nicolas Ragot.
By creating this new curriculum, the two schools are positioning themselves as leaders in the field of engineer-manager training, offering skills profiles which are increasingly sought after by businesses.
ESIGELEC is one of the 11 establishments to join the Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur Normandie Université (Normandy University Research and Higher Education Cluster) as an associate member.
As part of the Engineering Projects, students presented their posters to illustrate their project on Thursday 31 January. The Engineering Project consists of managing a project, taking into account all the technological, organisational, financial and human dimensions.
Pre-enrolment for APB open now!
Pre-enrolment for DUT BTS open now!
Research Transfer Innovation
The ESIGELEC’s Research institute is working on the PORT TRANSIT project, which aims to increase the competitiveness of the Rouen - Le Havre port complex.
Three students from ESIGELEC, winners of the Tremplin des Génies, went to Louvain and Brussels in Belgium to take part in the Europolis 2050 innovation competition.
IRSEEM, ESIGELEC’s research institute, is running a course between March and July 2013, on the practical application of open innovation methods at CISE, Embedded Systems Integration Campus.
Corporate Relations
Eric DURIEUX, Managing Director of ESIGELEC engineering school, and Marie-Line BASSETTE, Regional Director of ERDF in Normandy, signed a school-business partnership agreement on Friday 9 November 2012.
Eric DURIEUX, Managing Director of ESIGELEC engineering school, and Patrick LASSALLE, Human Resources Development Manager at SPIE Île-de-France Nord Ouest, have just signed a school-business partnership agreement.
The Directorate of Corporate Relations and Apprenticeships at ESIGELEC has introduced “Business of the Month”, a scheme aimed at shining a spotlight on one of the school’s business partners.
Seven Russian students aged between 19 and 22, accompanied by Vera Sysoeva, came to visit ESIGELEC as part of a partnership with the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in St Petersburg.
30 Chinese high school students visited ESIGELEC in Rouen, as part of a new cooperation agreement relating to the opening of the new ESIGELEC class at Guangming High School in Shanghai.
ESIGELEC has set up a videoconference lesson system with the Higher Institute of Electrical Engineering in Burkina Faso.
Social action
ESIGELEC hosted the meeting of the regional delegation on 17 January, attended by NAE. The day’s agenda included: defining how the delegation would operate, office matters, orientations and establishing the 2013 action plan.
For the 7th year in a row, this conference/debate entitled “Ingénieur, Ingénieure, pourquoi pas toi ?” (“Why not become an engineer?”) is aimed at secondary school students, headteachers, teachers, career guidance professionals and anyone concerned by the topics addressed. .
Five ESIGELEC graduates have been mentioned in the press since December 2012.
Six crews comprising at least one ESIGELEC student are taking part in the latest instalment of the biggest student trek in Europe.
ESIGELEC has reached the final of the WINSTRAT business game, which is played in teams of 4 and requires students to run virtual businesses.
>> 13-24 February: 4L Trophy
>> 28 Feb-1 March: ESIG'étais ingénieur(e)? (engineering open day)
>> 7-8 March: ESIG'étais ingénieur(e)?
>> 8 March: “Ingénieur ingénieure pourquoi pas toi ?” (engineering careers conference)
>> 23 March: Graduation ceremony and Gala
>> 26 March: Inter'Action training course (1st day)
>> 24 April: Preparation day for the Concours Puissance 11 exam
#1 post-baccalaureate school
specialising in IT, Electronics, Telecommunications
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in the list of top post-baccalaureate grandes écoles, field of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
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See back issues:
>> October 2012 - n°3
>> June-July 2012 - n°2
>> May 2012 - n°1

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Embedded Systems Research Institute