May 2012 - n° 1
CISE through a video
Our CISE project Embedded Systems Integration Campus, has become a reality after 5 years of collaborative work. Its technological platforms and its innovation and transfer space will be promoted in co-operation with all our academic, institutional and corporate partners in the context of projects overseen by IRSEEM and CRT (Technological Resources Centre).
The graduation ceremony for ESIGELEC (promotion 2011) was sponsored on 31 March by ETDE, the Energy and Services Division of Bouygues Construction.
From 25 to 27 April 2012, the ESIGELEC/IRSEEM Group hosted the 16th International Conference on Electro-Magnetic Compatibility.
Les Entrepreneuriales, a program intended to simulate starting up a company, rewarded 5 projects involving ESIGELEC students.
Research Transfer Innovation
ESIGELEC is a member of the VeDeCoM IEED, which was the prize-winner in the "Future Investment" category for its Carbon-Free Connected Car project.
A team from IRSEEM, the ESIGELEC Research Institution, presented the manipulation of a 3D capture with the VICON tool.
Corporate Relations
Eric Durieux, General Manager of the School, and Laetitia Reymond, Human Resources Manager of Extia, signed a school-business partnership agreement on Friday 9 March.
ESIGELEC co-organised the International Staff Training Week (ISTW) from 2 to 6 April along with 7 other Higher Education Institutions in Rouen within the framework of CESAR (Nine Higher Education Institutions in Rouen).
Societal commitment
21 student tutors took part in the 5 th WEPI (Inter-Schools Shared Weekend). This event is part of "3 Cordées de la Réussite" ("Roped Together for Success").
The Handimanagement team offered all ESIGELEC students a week of exciting events focusing on the integration of the disabled into a corporate setting.
PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) regional group of the Graduates Association (SIGELEC) organised a visit to the worksite for the ITER project on Friday 6 April.
Associations News
The ESIG'Computer association has just been awarded the Ordi 2.0 label: at national level, this label brings together all of the partners involved in recycling second-hand IT hardware.
ESIGELEC successfully took part in the 44th EDHEC Cruise Race.
>> 09 May : Sustainable Engineer Day
>> 23 May : SIGELEC General Meeting
>> 24 May : Robotics Mini-Cup
>> 25-28 May: 24-hour powerboat race
Rank 1st engineering school that offer a five-year program

Information Technology, Electronics, and Telecommunications speciality

1st place
out of the top Grandes Écoles, specialising in Electronics and Electrical Engineering
For its academic level
For its international openness
L'@ctu in real time :

Ecole supérieure d'ingénieurs

Institut de recherche
en systèmes embarqués