ESIGELEC is one of the top private community schools. Having passed the peremptory statement, you have to leave room for the demonstration.
In training, ESIGELEC is a strong brand clearly positioned in the broad sectors of "Electrical Engineering". They include, in particular, the major areas of digital, systems and energy which correspond to our centres of excellence. Our size, with more than 1500 student-engineers, including just under 300 apprentices, enables us to inundate companies and be clearly visible. Our international openness, more than one-third of our engineering students are foreign nations, positions us as a training operator able to compete globally. The skills and formalisation of our educational programme means that 95% of our graduates are guaranteed to find a job in less than two months. Which is why the Commission of Engineering Certificates has re-accredited ESIGELEC for six years (2014-2019). This accreditation gives us the maximum duration and a guarantee of the quality of our training. It is incumbent on us to continue to grow, particularly in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurial culture, cultural integration in the world and in the area of raising awareness about research. We must be able to break down these dimensions (digital should help us) so that the goal of making each of our students employable is achievable.
In research, ESIGELEC within its laboratory, IRSEEM carries out work with a dual purpose. Our teacher-researchers have a dual responsibility to create knowledge and economic wealth. Our research is both disciplinary and fundamental; it can also be applicable and respond to French and regional societal issues. In particular, our positioning in the field of sustainable mobility (robotics and autonomous vehicles, embedded systems) and that in energy respond to local expectations. Our ability to carry out programmes financed by the National Research Agency, the Single Interdepartmental Fund, the Region and companies, reflects our willingness to participate in technological development and the resulting wealth creation. At the end of the 2015 year, IRSEEM will be revalued by the High Research and Higher Education Council in order to renew its certification as a Hosting Team recognised by the Ministry of higher education and research. Olivier Maurice, the new Director of Research and Development at the school is coordinating this major issue for our school.
Contributing to economic development, graduate engineers and R&D work both contribute to growth in enterprises. These concern major (inter)national groups; as well as SMEs/SMIs, which innovate alongside us, who outsource part of their R&D to us at our technological resources centre, which pay our apprentices and thus increase their skills with us. We have a shared DNA which removes any distance between ESIGELEC and enterprises. We can reduce it further by stronger ties between clusters, enterprises and us.
The triptych Training - Research - Economic Development is part of our identity. It should be reconciled in each of our actions. It is what gives our tasks meaning. It should also be based on our values. Beyond excellence, demand and commitment, our values are based on solidarity and a sense of service. That is what we are contribute, at our level, to the cohesion of our society.