ESIGELEC has again expanded its mobility offer with international partner universities. 80 partnerships in 42 countries already provide the means for international internships ranging from 3 to 18 months, study abroad programmes for a semester or a year, and double diplomas.
Throughout the year, the “FLY with ESIGELEC’ programme has offered semesters abroad for the first time to groups. Open to groups of fifteen students per destination at the beginning of the 4th year, this new programme incorporates technology courses during the autumn semester in partner universities with the choices of Manipal University in India, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology in China, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi in Canada, and Dublin City University in Ireland (agreement still pending signature). Its specific character also comes from strong linguistic and intercultural departure preparation, as well as from the support of the International Relations Department for obtaining visas, transportation, insurance and accommodation. This formula, which allows for “assisted” international immersion in small groups, will help certain students make that first step into the international community!
For Cecilia Brunel, Assistant Director of International Relations, in charge of partnerships: “the ‘FLY with ESIGELEC’ programme responds to a specific need. We realised that some students are interested in international mobility but hesitate to commit to a semester studying aboard. We developed this new programme to encourage them and help them fulfil their projects in the best possible situation. The FLY programme could be abbreviated simply like this: Fly, Lean and enjoY!”
Contact: Cecilia Brunel, Assistant Director of International Relations,