March 2016 - n°11
ESIGELEC has new international partners

With the signing of four new agreements, ESIGELEC continues to extend its international relations with partners across the globe. Exchange opportunities for students and faculty of ESIGELEC are now available in Africa, Asia, America and Europe.

ENSI, Manoubal, Tunisia

This new agreement involves bilateral student/researcher exchange programmes for greater scientific and technical exposure. Prof. Kamoun’s experience as visiting professor at ESIGELEC, between January the 18th and 22nd 2016, to deliver Ad Hoc Networks, a special elective in the 3rd year (Network architecture and security major) resulted in this agreement.

Tunghai University, Taiwan

With this agreement ESIGELEC has its first Taiwanese partner on board. Student and faculty exchange between the two institutions will constitute this partnership at the initial stage.

Lehigh University, USA

The agreement between ESIGELEC and Lehigh University has been renewed for a perios of 5 years. It now as an annexure on dual-degrees, which will allow two students, instead of one, to enroll for the dual-degree programme simultaneously.

The students will also be given the possibility of a paid teaching assistantship. One student has already been selected by ESIGELEC for 2016/17.

Minho University, Braga, Portugal

ESIGELEC has just signed a new Erasmus agreement with Minho Univeristy, in Braga, Portugal. Academic exchange semesters for students and faculty exchange between both institutions will feature as part of this agreement.

Contact : Cecilia Brunel, Deputy-Director, International Relations, cecilia.brunel@esigelec.fr