March 2016 - n°11
New ways of recruiting students for DUT (Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie) and BTS (Brevet Technique Supérieur) courses

New for 2016: prospective students for DUT and BTS courses in ICT, networks and digital technology(*) will now be recruited directly by ESIGELEC, following the submission of an application and interviews.

The application form can be downloaded from http://www.esigelec.fr/fr/vous-etes-en-bac-2-ou-bac-3, and should be returned by 29 April. Candidates will be invited to ESIGELEC on Saturday 14 May 2016 for an interview and an oral technology test based on what they are studying. Around forty candidates attended the first session which was held in March.

A head start for prospective apprentices

This new scheme is designed to enable candidates interested in an apprenticeship to be put straight in touch with ESIGELEC’s partner companies. Every year, 100 apprenticeships are available, with free tuition and a wage for the 3 years of the engineering course. ESIGELEC is one of the few schools which offer monthly work placements for a large part of the course, which means that apprentices can choose a company anywhere in France, and have a selection of 15 specialisms to choose from.

For more information on apprenticeships visit : www.esigelec.fr

(*) for all DUT and BTS courses in other subject areas, students are still recruited through ENSEA’s DUT and BTS entrance examinations. The closing date for pre-booking was 16 March 2016. http://concours.ensea.fr/portail/dut-bts.html

Contacts :
Habib Baldé, Training Manager, habib.balde@esigelec.fr
Isabelle Didier, Student Relations Officer, recrutement@esigelec.fr