On 9 April, the VEDECOM (CARBON-FREE, COMMUNICATING VEHICLE AND ITS MOBILITY) institute celebrated its first birthday at Versailles Town Hall. An event which brought together the many protagonists of this ambitious project whose objective is to be both the leading institute and an indispensable actor in innovation, research and training, applied to transport and responsible mobility.
VEDECOM was recognised as an Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) on 11 February 2014 by the National Research Agency. It is part of the Future Investment programme. Its role is to be the "missing link" between academics, industrialists and institutionalists. Many actors are thus grouped within this institute chaired by Guillaume Devauchelle: members of different sectors of industry and services (automotive, aeronautics, systems engineering, electronic components, ICT and digital simulation, infrastructure managers and transport operators, digital networks and electricity), research and higher education organisations, as well as local communities.
ESIGELEC among the founding members:
VEDECOM's activities are broken down into three programmes entitled "Vehicle", "Eco-Mobility" and "Training" and it is organised around three areas of research: "Electrification of Vehicles", "Driving Delegation and Connectivity", and finally "Shared Mobility and Energy" (see diagram).

ESIGELEC has been one of the founding members of VEDECOM since the beginning and some of its teachers-researchers play a particularly active role: Zoheir Riah was recently appointed leader of the "Electromagnetic fields and susceptibility" project within the "Electrification of Vehicles" area to structure and then coordinate the EMC activity. Working closely with industrial partners such as PSA, Renault and VALEO, it contributes to identifying EMC issues in electric vehicles and works on launching actions (theses, post-doctoral training, engineers, etc.) which will enable these issues to be addressed.
The thesis by Fahim Hami in progress supervised by Moncef Kadi, head of the IRSEEM research pole Electronics & Systems is part of this project.

Contacts :
Nicolas Langlois, Head of the Automatic & Systems pole, Delegate of ESIGELEC in Vedecom, nicolas.langlois@esigelec.fr
Zoheir Riah, , Teacher researcher ESIGELEC Irseem, Project leader VEDECOM, zoheir.riah@esigelec.fr