July 2015 - n°9
New international partnerships for ESIGELEC

ESIGELEC has established new partnerships with foreign universities, involving students, teachers and researchers.

In Colombia

The school has signed a cooperation agreement with the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. It is one of the best universities in the continent of South America. This agreement reinforces the strategy of developing the school's relations with Latin America parties. It provides for the exchange of students, teachers and other future collaborations. A student currently in the first year of the ESIGELEC engineering programme intends to follow a study course at UniAndes next year, as part of an inter-university exchange.

In Ghana

ESIGELEC has signed its first partnership with an Anglophone African country in Ghana. Student, teacher and staff exchanges are planned, including African CPC (Joint Preparatory Courses) students. Other forms of cooperation (joint programmes, research projects, etc. ) are also being looked into.

In the United States

Two new partnerships are emerging with the United States: the first with Lakeland Community College in Ohio and the second with the University of Texas in San Antonio.

One of the strengths of Lakeland Community College is that it is located near Cleveland, a town twinned with Rouen. Firstly, teacher exchanges are planned, including professors who would teach in English at ESIGELEC to get to know each other better before considering other forms of cooperation.

The cooperation agreement with the University of Texas brings the number of the school's partnerships with the United States to 6. The two establishments want to cooperate in the fields of teaching and research, particularly on the theme of "smart grids". There are already plans for students to be involved in research projects at UTSA.

Contacts :
Cyril Marteaux, International Relations Director, cyril.marteaux@esigelec.fr
Cécilia Brunel, Deputy International Relations Director, in charge of university partnerships, cecilia.brunel@esigelec.fr