Launched in September 2004, the Handimanagement programme is a training course on the integration of disabled people into business.
It invites people to change their attitude about disabled people, explore the many ways they can be involved in the professional world and define the role of manager in this context. It was the desire to join a network of players keen to be the levers of change in business which made the ESIGELEC join the programme in 2009.
In April this year, Companieros, the approved body providing this training, offered ESIGELEC students a week of sessions on the issue of integrating disabled people into business. At the start of the academic year, ESIGELEC students had already received 6 months of acculturation and training on disability (legal, managerial approaches, etc.).
This week provided everyone with the chance to talk to disabled people and disability programme managers from companies like EDF, Crédit Agricole, MATMUT, SAFRAN and AVIVA.
At the end of this week, the students who had taken part in the three training sessions were able to receive the Handimanager label, an excellent plus on a CV.
Contact : Delphine Leclercq-Delapierre, Head of Humanities, Languages and Management,
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