July 2013 - n°5
ESIGELEC-IRSEEM at the International Week of Chitkara University

Chitkara University in Chandigarh, India, held the 1st "International Week" early April. They invited about 10 partners, among which ESIGELEC-IRSEEM. Joseph Mouzna, who is responsible for Research & Valorization international development at ESIGELEC, represented the school from 28 March to 5 April.

The "International Week" has a twofold objective. On the one hand, it gives Chitkara Univerity's students the opportunity to have classes taught by international professors, and on the other hand, it is the occasion to gather a few partners and have them work on research themes.

Joseph Mouzna offered a dozen hours of classes on vehicular networks to 60 3rd-year students. That week was also a great opportunity for him to seek new partnerships, and even start working on new projects. Universities from all over the world were represented: Finland, China, Australia, Indonesia and United-Kingdom, for instance.


Contact : Joseph Mouzna, Responsible for Research & Valorization international development, joseph.mouzna@esigelec.fr