Léa Riachy, doctoral student at IRSEEM, the ESIGELEC laboratory, was presented with an award at the 42nd edition of the annual conference of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Industrial Electronics Society, which was held from October 24 to 27, 2016.
IECON 2016 is an international conference held for university researchers and people of the business world who wish to share high-quality research and take part in professional interactions for the advancement of science and technology.
After the examination process, 1,342 high-level papers from 47 countries were accepted. The presentation of the article titled, “Optimal Power Coefficient For Load Balancing and Reactive Power Compensation In DFIG-WTS” representing a part of the thesis work of Léa Riachy, doctoral student at IRSEEM, under the guidance of Yacine Azzouz, Researcher/Professor at ESIGELEC, and with additional guidance from Brayima Dakyo, Professor at Havre University, was chosen as the best presentation in the Renewable Energies session.
Contact: Yacine Azzouz, Researcher/Professor at ESIGELEC,