June 2016 - n°12

The Founding General Meeting of the new association resulting from the merger of ESIGELEC engineering school and its research laboratory IRSEEM, will meet on 20 June 2016 to nominate the president of this new association, which will keep the name ESIGELEC.

The brand IRSEEM will also continue, although IRSEEM will no longer be an association, but an internal laboratory, with its staff employed by ESIGELEC.

This consolidation strategy within a single institution is designed to equip ESIGELEC for all the tasks of a higher education and research institution :

  • Initial and continuous training,
  • Research, development and transferring to industrial and service companies,
  • Contributing to the economic development of the region.
ESIGELEC is a major engineering school, recognised by the State, which has continually enriched its programmes and extended its scope since it was founded in 1901 in Paris, before moving to Rouen in 1978. It trains general engineers in the areas of intelligent and connected systems. It offers places to about 400 student-engineers each year, of whom 100 study through traineeships. Masters programmes have also been developed for international students, who represent over 30% of total student numbers.

In 2001, ESIGELEC set up a Research Institute for Embedded Electronic Systems, IRSEEM, with an academic and industrial mandate, in line with the needs of the automotive, aeronautical, electronics and telecommunications industries. Recognised today both nationally and internationally, IRSEEM has been approved by the French Ministry of National Education and of Higher Education and Research as a host team jointly with the University of Rouen.

Since 2004, ESIGELEC and its laboratory IRSEEM have been based in 16 000 m2 of new facilities at Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, in the Madrillet Technopole (on the southern outskirts of Rouen), alongside INSA Rouen, the Faculty of Sciences, and the research laboratories and technical centres. For this reason, ESIGELEC is in permanent contact with the proliferation of new technologies and the reality of the times, the society and internationally. They are continually extending their fields of expertise and developing their partnerships :

  • extending the international recruitment, education and research, educational engineering, alongside others with the creation of preparatory stages in different countries, and support from businesses,
  • the development of research applied to academic study and industry and in cooperation with the automotive, aeronautics, electronics and telecommunications sectors,
  • integration into national, European and international networks of excellence: the Institut Carnot (energy and propulsion systems), competitive clusters (MOV’EO, TES etc.), major regional research networks, industry sectors (Energies Normandie, Normandie AeroEspace), the Institut Vedecom (Institute for the Energy Transition), etc.
  • the creation of an embedded systems integration campus in 2012, dedicated to research and development, as well as training linked to different industrial sectors and company management.
The merging of these two associations, ESIGELEC and IRSEEM, will lead to the adoption of new articles of association. The Board of the new association ESIGELEC will be made up of 19 members representing: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Seine-Mer-Normandie (5), the association of SIGELEC graduates (Society of Electronic Engineering Engineers) (5), representatives of local authorities for the Normandy Region and the city of Rouen (2), higher-education representatives (2) and businesses (5).