October 2012 - n°3
The GEEM robot takes a new step towards autonomy

The robot created by GEEM*, (an onboard electronics cluster), gets a little more autonomous as it is now capable of following someone. The person is fitted out with the same infra-red markers as the robot so that the VICON cameras on the IRSEEM Autonomous Navigation platform can locate them.

The person’s trajectory is measured and screened and the robot controls its speed to keep a 2m distance between itself and the target whilst monitoring its position in relation to the trajectory.

The autonomous robot project began in October 2010 and involves sharing ideas and technologies between a dozen companies to improve knowledge. The IRSEEM team works specifically on the robot’s autonomy and intelligence.

A demonstration of the robot took place at the most recent GEEM meeting at the end of September in front of company representatives and officials from the Région Haute-Normandie.

*About the GEEM
Grappe en Électronique Embarquée (onboard electronics cluster) is a non-profit association founded in January 2005. It is a network of 10 SMEs from the Upper Normandy region that work together to carry out joint research and development projects with methodological support from Thales Air Systems and IRSEEM’s technological expertise. Its goal is to share technological projects and methodological tools to encourage the pooling of R&D activities by developing a project that incorporates each party’s expertise.
Contact : Pierre Merriaux, IRSEEM Research Engineer, pierre.merriaux@esigelec.fr

Les membres de la GEEM :

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